Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Introducing Alyssa Danese

Hey divas! I guess I'll start out with the basics first.  My name is Alyssa aka the owner/buyer/stylist of Fabulyss.  I live in Delaware and work as a loan counselor at a financial institution (SOOOO not what I am meant to do).  I have always wanted a career in fashion but never knew where to start.  I am a full-time professional deal finder and discount shopper.  I LOVE great deals and bragging about how much my find is worth compared to how much I bought it for.  I eventually realized through everyone's amazement that this is a talent of mine I have to share.  So....outside of my full time job I started saving all my fab fashion finds and not keeping them for myself (VERY HARD TO DO) in order to share them with you.  I am very blessed with great friends and loved ones that have helped me establish and build  My goal is to start on the internet as an eboutique and eventually grow into a powerful, well known store front. Everyday I am learning new things that I want to implement on my site and I cannot wait to get everything how I want it to be.  So keep your eye out for Fabulyss because we are coming to take over all these over priced boutiques!

Ciao Bellas,
Alyssa xoxo

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