Wednesday, March 7, 2012

:Been Gone For A Min:

Hello fashionistas! First off, I need to apologize for slacking on blogging! I started a new 9-5 (womp womp) and through all the new training and learning its been difficult to find time. However, I'm back and ready to build my empire! FabuLyss is growing every day and I am now up to at least five sales per week! All of the sales have been shipped out to different states across the country.  NY, AL, FL, CA, and NJ to name a few.  Each sale gives me more confidence that my dream will grow into a successful business I have been working so hard towards.  Through the recent success I have noted most of my sales have been accessories and because of that, I am gearing strictly towards that going further.  As much as I love clothing and supporting local designers, accessories has been the easiest and most successful item for FabuLyss.  Eventually I would love to grow into clothing and accessories.  Anywho....time to accessorize the world!

love you mean it,

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